Error message when you drag or copy and paste text and picture objects into Microsoft Works: "The information you copied exceeds the size limit for...

Error message when you drag or copy and paste text and picture objects into Microsoft Works: "The information you copied exceeds the size limit for pasting into the Word Processor"

Method 1:
If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or a different Web browser
Reduce the size of the data package that you are trying to transfer. If you still cannot transfer the data, follow these steps:
1. Drag the contents of the HTML document into Works Portfolio.
2. Select the item or the object that you want.
3. On the Edit menu, click Copy.
4. Open a Works Word Processor document.
5. Put the pointer at the position that you want.
6. On the Edit menu, click Paste Special.
7. In the Paste Special dialog box, click Picture, and then click OK.

Method 2:
If you use Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2

To work around this problem when you copy and paste text, follow these steps:
1. In Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2, select the text that you want to copy.
2. On the Edit menu, click Copy.
3. Open a Works Word Processor document.
4. Put the pointer at the position that you want.
5. On the Edit menu, click Paste Special.
6. In the Paste Special dialog box, click Unformatted text, and then click OK.

To work around this problem when you copy and paste a picture, follow these steps:

1. In Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2, select the picture that you want to copy.
2. On the Edit menu, click Copy.
3. Open a Works Word Processor document. Put the pointer at the position that you want.
4. On the Edit menu, click Paste.



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