Unable to download after validation is passed... Office 2007

1. From the download web page, click on "Continue" button. After clicking on the "Continue" button, you will be directed to the next page of the validation process.
2. From the "Install the Genuine Office Validation Component" web page, scroll down and under "Alternate Validation Method", click on the "Genuine Office Validation, Alternate Method" link. After clicking the "Genuine Office Validation, Alternate Method" link, you will be directed to the web page to run the validation tool.
3. From the "Genuine Office Validation Continued" web page, click on the "Continue" button.
4. From the OGCheck.exe download file dialog box, click on "Run".
5. If the "Internet Explorer - Secuity Warning" dialog box, click on "Run".
6. From the "Office Genuine Advantage" dialog box, copy the code and go to the "Genuine Office Validation Continued" web page and paste the code in step 2 and click on "Validate" button.
7. Now, you will be directed to the download web page. Click on "Download" button to download the Add-in.


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