How to disable Windows XP Welcome screen at start up?

1) Click on "Start" button. (Start button is located at the bottom-left part of your windows screen)
2) Click on "Run" button, now type the following command in the "Run" edit box:
control userpasswords2
3) Now you will be taken to Control Panel's User Accounts option.
4) Then highlight the user you want to log into automatically, then uncheck the box for
"Users must enter a username and password to use this computer"
5) Click on Apply and you'll be asked to verify the username and password to log in automatically
6) Click OK and the next time you restart your computer, you'll automatically be logged in without having the classic prompt or Welcome Screen.
You can also visit the below web links that are of great importance to your issue.
Article Title: To turn the Welcome screen on or off
Article Title: How to Disable/Enable the Windows XP Welcome Screen?
Article Title: Get Rid of the Logon Screen


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