Adding Smileys to Outlook Express

There is a way to add smileys. I would like you to know that unlike MSN, Hotmail and other web-based e-mail services, Outlook Express is an e-mail client. Hence, by default there are no icons or smiley’s you can use directly in the program. However, there are many third-party software programs and downloads which allow you to insert smileys in Outlook Express.

You may visit the following web link for a list of smiley’s and icons, which can be inserted in Outlook Express:

Note: The web site contains smileys categorized as: Aliens, Angels, Animal, Cartoon, etc. Steps to use and insert smileys are also given in the same link.

Please follow the steps provided below for inserting smileys on the above web page in Outlook Express e-mails:

1. Choose the desired smiley from the options given in the left panel.

2. Save a smile icon to a desired location on your hard disk by right-clicking and choosing "Save picture as".

3. Launch Outlook Express.

4. On the Tools menu hit New Mail.

5. Make sure the email format is Rich Text/Html (This option is present in the Format option on the toolbar).

6. Type your message and where you want to add a graphic.

7. Hit Insert on the Control menu and select the Image.

8. Hit the Browse button and navigate to the folder with the smileys.

9. Select the smiley/graphic you want to insert.

10. Hit the Open button and than click the OK button

You can also download the Smiley Central toolbar on Outlook Express, which allows you to select from a wide range of smileys. Please visit the following web link for downloading the toolbar:


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