Steps to change the default font in Microsoft Works

You can change the default font in Microsoft Works Word Processor.

To change the default font or font size in the Microsoft Works Word Processor, you have to create a default word processor template configured to use the font and font size which you want.

To change the default font in Microsoft Works Word Processor, please follow the steps provided below:

1. Open Microsoft Works Word Processor.

2. Open a blank document.

3. Select the font and the font size that you want to use for all new word processor documents.

4. On the File menu, click Save As, and then click Template.

5. Type a name for the word processor template.

6. Click to select the Use this template for new Word Processor documents check box, and then click OK.

For further information, you may view the Microsoft article in the following web link:

Article Title: How to change the default font in the Word Processor when you use Microsoft Works


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